Healing Ailments Through Deprogramming Sick-Making Ideas
Healing Ailments Through Deprogramming Sick-Making Ideas
by Carol Anthony and Hanna Moog
Handout for the I Ching Seminar in Tucson, Arizona, 2006
21 pages, pdf format
Table of Contents
Our Natural Wholeness and Health 1
Our Natural Unity with the Cosmos 1
Our Unity with Nature 2
What Holds Us to the Cosmic Unity? 3
How Humans Have Lost Their Unity with the Cosmos 3
How Mistaken Beliefs Create a Parallel Reality 4
The Development of the Individual Ego 5
Three Sick-making Thought Forms: Spells, Poison Arrows and Projections 6
The Main Cosmic Principles of Harmony 8
The Helping Forces of the Cosmos and of Our Nature 10
The Sage 10
Other Cosmic Helpers 11
The Helpers of Nature 12
The Helpers of our Personal Nature 12
How to Best Relate to the Helpers 12
Mistaken Beliefs that Block the Helpers 13
Doubts that Block the Helpers 13
Efforts that Cause the Helpers to Retreat 14
Efforts that Engage the Helpers 14
Investigating a Minor Ailment 14
Some guidelines for our inquiry 15
Suspending Beliefs and Disbelief 15
Awareness of the Difficulty Created by Guilt and Related Words 15
How to Find Relief from Sudden Pains 16
Headaches 17
The Activity of a Free-Floating Changeling 17
Crystallized Fears 17
Microchips 18
Deprogramming 18
Methods of deprogramming 18
How deprogramming initiates transformations 18
Deprogramming on behalf of another person 19
Deprogramming Guilt 19
Deprogramming the false concept of guilt 19
Deprogramming the spell of”original guilt/sin” 19
Deprogramming feelings of guilt 19
Mini-meditations 20
— Mini-meditations using the image of water 20
— Mini-meditations using the image of fire 20
— Mini-meditation using the image of a cosmic vacuum cleaner bag 21
What to do when Some of Your Deprogramming has been Undone by
Guilt or Doubt 21