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Article 29. Asking/Crying Out for Help to End Personal and Global Conflicts. By Hanna Moog

Can you remember an incident in your life when you cried out for help, “wherever it may come from”? It is the kind of cry that comes from the bottom of our hearts, a kind of inner “primal scream.” The situation is described in Hexagram 5, Waiting, Line 6, in the metaphors, “One falls into the pit. Three uninvited guests arrive. Honor them, and in the end there will be good fortune.”

    The “pit” refers to the despair we can fall into, when despite all efforts we have not succeeded to bring about the success of a particular undertaking, whether it be the healing of an illness that has become chronic, or the need to be freed from an inner or outer conflict.

   In these times of individual and worldwide violent conflicts that seem to be beyond any help, the Sage, the voice that speaks through the I Ching, wants to make us aware of the Cosmic Principles of Harmony that apply to this situation. One of these Principles is referred to in Hexagram 5, Waiting.

   When Carol Anthony and I were guided by the Sage to write a revised version of the oracle (published under the title, “I Ching, the Oracle of the Cosmic Way”), we were surprised to learn that “Waiting,” the name of Hexagram 5, was not meant to counsel the student of the I Ching “to patiently wait,” but to make us aware of “invisible Helpers” that were waiting to be asked for their help! We were to learn that every person is born with “personal Helpers” that are waiting to be recognized, and asked for help! Even if we do not know their names, they come to our aid when we acknowledge our need for help, and ask them to assist and support us. They will “come and rejoice,” as it is put in one of the lines of the I Ching, whenever our request comes from a sincere heart and mind.

   These Helpers become “imprisoned,” whenever we accept the mistaken idea that ‘we are born without help,’ and that ‘the only help that exists must come from humans, the institutions of society, and/or certain officially recognized invisible sources.’ We may even be made to feel guilty, if we looked to invisible aspects of our own nature for help. The I Ching makes us aware of the fact that by accepting and harboring ideas and beliefs that are not in harmony with our true nature, we actually put “spells” on these wonderful Helpers we are born with. If the term “Helpers” sounds unfamiliar, you may replace it with “abilities,” as when we speak of our “self-healing abilities.”

   The “three uninvited guests” referred to in Hexagram 5, Waiting, are actually invisible “Cosmic Helpers” that are linked to the “personal Helpers of our Nature.” These three Cosmic Helpers come to our rescue when we are in dire need because their “companions” (our personal Helpers) are imprisoned by spells. Their imprisonment is actually the cause for the misery we find ourselves in.

   If you recognize yourself in what has been described above, and if you wish to free yourself from helplessness, you can deprogram the spells by making the following requests:

1.     You need to ask the Sage to “temporarily suspend your feeling guilty for wanting to be able to ask for help from your personal Helpers/Abilities, at all times, when in need.” (This request has the effect of preventing the success of your deprogramming in the next step from becoming undone.

2.     In a short meditation exercise, picture the mistaken ideas and beliefs, written on a piece of paper that you burn in an imagined fire.

(For example: “We are born without help.” “The only help that is available to us comes from people, the institutions of society, and/or certain officially recognized invisible sources. This is a command, and we become guilty, if we go against it. “Asking for help is a sign of weakness.” “We must help ourselves.”) (This is a one-time meditation exercise.)

   Another Cosmic Principle of Harmony is described in Hexagram 1, The Cosmic Consciousness, in the words, “Yüan Heng. Li Chên.” It can be translated as, “The Cosmic Consciousness is great. It interpenetrates all the things it has created; it discerns what feels harmonious, and brings it into form through transformation.” The Chinese ideogram for “Yüan” also means “the origin.” Hexagram 1 makes us aware that the Cosmic Consciousness feels our every true need, and responds to it with a unique solution. However, its response to “conflict” is to retreat, because it does not and will not take sides. If we wish to receive Cosmic help in a situation of personal or collective conflict, we need to say a triple “No” to the mistaken idea that ‘conflict is natural,’ and the belief that ‘carrying out a conflict can/will lead to peace.’ Once we have thus distanced ourselves from the concept of “conflict,” we then need to ask the Sage to please ‘engage all the Cosmic Helpers that are needed to bring about the unique peaceful solution the situation requires.’ After having made these requests one time only, we completely let go of “trying to figure out what the solution(s) will be.”



Article 28. So-called “Long COVID.” By Hanna Moog

The Sage wants to continue its lessons regarding the collective fate known under the name of “COVID.” The lessons began with Article 21 of our blog, in which I shared the lesson the Sage had given me on the cause of this collective fate. In that Article the Sage had made it clear that the fate was caused by the mistaken idea and belief in the “use of power.” Fate ist not a Cosmic punishment, and not something leveled upon us by a so-called “Higher Power.” The concept of “power” has no place in the Cosmic order. Fate is a Cosmic Principle of Harmony that has the purpose to return us to being in harmony with the Cosmos. The Sage wants to make us aware of the protective function of Fate for the harmony of the Cosmos as a Whole. All fates come to an end when they have fulfilled their main purpose.

A dream made me aware that the collective fate known as “COVID” had come to an end: In the dream, I realized that I was in an enclosure for wild beasts. There was a tiger sleeping in the snow and some other wild animal. I stepped over the tiger, which must have woken him up. Then, I felt the tiger on my back. He covered my whole back top to bottom, and was completely friendly. It was a wonderful feeling, not threatening, a warm cover. Then the tiger, which at some point looked like a panther, was walking next to me.

The next morning, when I went over my dream with the help of the Sage, I learned that it was informing me that the collective fate (COVID) had run its course. As mentioned above, it had been caused by the mistaken idea that we humans need to use power to keep Nature under control (the enclosure). The “snow” was a metaphor for the lack of a (warm) feeling relationship with Nature. The “tiger” is mentioned in Hexagram 10, Conducting Oneself, where it says, “Treading on the tail of the tiger, the tiger bites.”* The hexagram shows us the “tiger” as our Inner Animal Helper that represents all our metaphorical senses. By demonizing them, we “tread on the tiger’s tail,” meaning that a fate is set in motion. In my dream, I am stepping over the tiger, thereby awakening it — the Fate has ended, and I am allowed to experience the true nature of the tiger: it protects me and warms me from my back, i.e., without my needing to “do” anything. The Sage confirmed that the dream was informing me that the Helper of People’s Metaphorical Senses, can now protect them.

Regarding the “panther,” it is referred to in the oracle saying of Line 6 of Hexagram 49, Ending Fate: “The Sage makes changes like a panther. Without help, one only molts in the face.” This text informs us about the difference between ending a fate with the help of the Sage, and trying to end it by only making changes (in this case by using another form of power, as described below). Ending a fate by freeing our way of thinking from disharmonious consciousness restores harmony with Nature (in the metaphor of the “panther.”)

While the collective fate has come to an end, some people are experiencing symptoms of what is now known as “long COVID.” According to the Sage, the widely varying symptoms need to be seen as the effects of the disharmonious consciousness contained in two concepts: first, the word “risk” that has been attached to the use of all the newly developed vaccines, and second, the mistaken belief in “fighting” Fate as in “fighting” an illness or disease. The belief in “fighting” as a means to stop and even heal something that is actually the effect of disharmonious beliefs, cannot have a healing effect, because it meets with resistance. The onset of COVID as a collective fate was to make us humans aware of the mistaken idea that is expressed in the word “power,” and the shock of this fate had the purpose of breaking that mistaken idea. The belief in “fighting Fate” is still based on the idea of “using power.”**

The other disharmonious concept that is commonly used with medical procedures is the word “risk.” The reader can find out for himself what the inner truth of that word is, by doing the following meditation exercise:

We sit in an upright position, and close our eyes. We then ask the Helper of Our Inner Truth to please temporarily free our “inner sense of seeing.” After about two minutes, we ask our inner sense of seeing to show us the inner truth of the word “risk.” We simply allow to be shown, without interfering. Next, we ask to be shown the inner truth if we deprogram that word.

We can free ourselves from both disharmonious concepts by writing them on a piece of paper that we then burn in a fire. (If we prefer, we can also do this in an imagined scenario). We need to repeat the deprogramming procedure, once per day, as long as indicated by the Sage.

When we have understood with sufficient clarity that the belief in “fighting Fate” and the acceptance of the word “risk” have actually exposed us to the “risk,” and when we have then freed ourselves from their false consciousness, the Helpers of Self-Healing of our body, mind, and psyche can become engaged.


*See Hexagram 10, Conducting Oneself, in our book, “I Ching, the Oracle of the Cosmic Way.”

**See Hexagram 34, Using Power. Dito



Article 27. Vegan or not vegan?

What is the Cosmic perspective? 

Whenever we are caught in an “either/or” question, we are caught in the ego’s logic of thinking in terms of opposites. Opposition creates resistance. Resistance is not something inherent to Nature, as it is often falsely assumed. Resistance indicates that we have not allowed for transformation.

  The Sage has taken the question, whether we need to “become vegan,” or not, to teach us a general lesson. It is about falsely turning the Cosmic Principles of Harmony and the Principles of Harmony of Nature into a “moral order.”

Yes, it is true that many animals are being treated incorrectly – exploited – for the purpose of human consumption. There is no question that this practice violates the harmony of the Cosmic Way.

In order to allow the situation to be corrected, we need to include an aspect of the Cosmic Way called “Fate.” Fate is part of the Cosmic Principles of Harmony and also part of the Principles of Harmony of Nature. A fate is created whenever we humans violate a Cosmic Principle of Harmony. In this case, it is the “Principle of the Equality, Uniqueness, and Dignity of every aspect of the Cosmos.” All fates have a corrective function. Their ultimate purpose is to return the situation into harmony. A fate has the trajectory of a boomerang: it returns to its originator to break the spell (a mistaken idea or belief) that has caused the violation. In the case of our example, it is the mistaken ideas that ‘animals are lower than humans,’ and that ‘they are only there for our benefit.’

What happens on the energy plane when we, as individuals, oppose those mistaken ideas? We actually strengthen them. This is a law of physics. Obviously, it is also not an option to accept them. In the first case, we are stepping in the path of the correcting fate, thereby preventing it from reaching its goal. In the second case, we create a fate for ourselves by accepting the mistaken ideas. The solution lies in widening our understanding in order to get outside of the “either/or” alternatives: This happens when we include a function in our mind called the “adaptation function.” This function possesses the ability to create new Helpers in the form of bacteria that help us through the time it takes for the corrective fate to have its harmonizing effect. What is required of us for this to happen is that we say an inner “No, No, No,” to the mistaken ideas mentioned above, and to the practices they have created, and that we then ask the Cosmic Army ‘to do what is needed to correct the situation.’ We then let go of the issue altogether. Doing so enables our adaptation function to temporarily integrate any negative effects from eating animal products that were produced incorrectly. This happens thanks to the newly created bacteria. Then, our rational mind is no longer neither on a “war path,” nor on the path of “going with the flow.”

When we have corrected our understanding of the situation, as described above, it is up to us to consume animal products, or choose not to. There is no “right” or “wrong.”


Article 25. The Vaccination Mandate, by Hanna Moog

The fact that many institutions and companies have issued a vaccination mandate has created a conundrum for many people concerned. But even for those of you who are not directly under the pressure of a mandate to get vaccinated, the fear of becoming infected creates the situation of only having the choice “between a rock and a hard place.” 

   There is no doubt that harmful influences abound in the present situation. The Sage makes it clear that the repertoire of counter-measures offered by the collective ego, such as “positive thinking” or trying to counter fears through rationalizing cannot ultimately help us. The only solution to the conundrum is to allow the Sage to show us the situation from the Cosmic perspective. Doing so not only gives us clarity about the inner truth of the situation, but also shows us how we can free ourselves from any luring threat. 

Hexagram 44, Coming to Meet

The Judgment: “Coming to meet. The influence is powerful.” 

Note: Since the publication of our book “I Ching, the Oracle of the Cosmic Way,” we have been given additional insights into the meanings of this hexagram. The following text belongs in this context:

This hexagram describes the Cosmic Principle of Harmony of the Attraction between two complementary aspects of the Cosmos that makes it possible to fulfill two complementary needs. 

In terms of bodily systems this hexagram describes our immune system

  One of the functions of our immune system is to discern between three categories of bacteria, microorganisms and other influencing factors with which we come into contact through what we eat or through our interaction with our environment: category no.1: microorganisms that are harmful to our health and become fended off; category no.2: microorganisms that are compatible with our own bacteria; and category no.3: new bacteria we need to adapt to new environmental conditions. The latter are examined by our immune system with regard to their usefulness for different tasks: for example, they may be useful for our digestive system, or for being added to our acquired bodily army. The name “Coming to Meet” describes the process of examining that determines the future destiny of an approaching bacterium or virus. All of this happens on the basis of the Cosmic Principle of Harmony of Attraction between two complementary aspects of the Cosmos

   Our immune system becomes “imprisoned,” whenever we either blame our body or doubt its ability to fend off negative influences. In this case we render our immune system helpless, or – in certain circumstances – we make it possible for the ego to “invite harmful influences,” such as fears and additional doubts. One step further, and our immune system begins to attack our own body!

   A healthy immune system also has the ability to fend off negative influences coming from the ego in ourselves. It can do this even more effectively, when it is supported by our thinking mind. In a recent video interview, a German physician talked about our “mental immunity.” He emphasized the importance of distancing ourselves from the fear of infection by the virus. The term “mental immunity” caught my attention. The Sage encouraged me to further investigate this subject, and when I did, it strongly confirmed that we also possess a mental immune systemas part of the application of the Cosmic Principle of Harmony of “Coming to Meet.” This Principle also applies to the way our thinking mind comes to meet the Sage as our inner Cosmic teacher that connects us with our Inner Truth.  

Comment: With regard to the subject of “The Vaccination Mandate” we are basically looking at two fears:

·      The fear of becoming infected with the virus

·      The fear of being vaccinated with vaccines the harmful side effects of which have been scientifically proven

  When we apply what we have learned above about our bodily and mental immune systems, it means that the biggest danger comes from these fears. This fact shifts our focus to something we have control over!

   In addition, we need to ask certain Helpers to strengthen both immune systems.

   The Sage’s lesson reminded me of something in the commentary to Hexagram 62, The Preponderance of the Small:

“Our attention is called to the common tendency, due to conditioning, to allow the ego to identify situations in its terms, so that we miss the salient points.”

What Carol and I did not know yet when we wrote our book “I Ching, the Oracle of the Cosmic Way,” is the fact that Hexagram 62 describes our peripheral nervous system. The Sage has recently taught me that it plays an important role in the context of our combined immune system in that it participates in the self-cleansing of our blood. It would lead too far to describe this function in detail – what matters in the context of our present discussion is the fact that we also need to ask the Helpers of our peripheral nervous system for their support. 

We need to do the following things on the inner plane:


We realize that fears are not “natural,” but the results of our not having recognized certain Helpers. It is these unrecognized Helpers that fear for our wellbeing! Equipped with this knowledge, we ask the Cosmic Doctor to gather all the Helpers we need to strengthen our mental and bodily immune system as well as our peripheral nervous system. (We repeat this request one more time on the following day.)


We temporarily free our bodily immune system and our peripheral nervous system of any slanders that have either rendered them helpless or have imprisoned them, by asking the Cosmic Surgeon to temporarily suspend any such slanders.

“Temporarily” means “for the duration of a possible danger coming from having undergone the vaccination.”

This is a one-time request. 


If we want to free ourselves enduringly from the slanders mentioned under (2), we can do the following:

   We ask the Cosmic Doctor, the Cosmic Surgeon, and the Helper of Completion Through Transformation to please free us enduringly from the following things:

— All false images that show our body as lowly (compared to our mind), faulty, evil, guilty, and dirty because it is animal nature, and to also free it from any blame connected with these false images

— All spells connected with the above-mentioned false images. (The spells do not need to be identified). 

    We need to repeat this request two more times, once per day.


   The Sage closes the freeing exercise described above with a warning: Whenever the ego in us puts forth doubts in the efficiency of this method, we need to ask the Sage to counter these doubts by saying “No, No, No” to them. 

