New Pathways Being Opened in The Brain

I was using the I Ching, slowly going through Hexagram 5, “Waiting.” During this long session I had uncovered over 10 different spells (and poison arrows, etc.) to be deprogrammed. Suddenly I could clearly see, related to the last projection I had just deprogrammed, that I had a fixed idea in my mind about someone - and that idea was largely influencing my relationship with that person. This was an "aha" insight, not something I had analyzed. So, after that I was just sitting there, realizing the rather huge impact of that insight and getting a better idea of how projections actually operate. Then I felt something happening inside my forehead. I felt something moving around in there. After a few minutes I asked the Sage, and found out that I was sensing the area where that projection had resided. I sat for another five minutes or so and then had the feeling that something hard in that area was dissolving, dissipating (the Sage later confirmed this). Then, I had the unique sensation of a slow movement traveling from the front of my head back through my head. This feeling was not on the surface of my head, but actually inside the skull, in the brain. Something was moving from the front toward the back of my brain. I remembered learning from physiology class that it is "not possible" to feel one’s own brain (so, for example, during brain surgery they don't need to worry about pain in the brain). Nonetheless, I was feeling my brain. I asked the Sage to help clarify, and found out that what I was feeling was new pathways being opened in my brain. 

It seems that I was feeling the actual transformation of the brain that comes from removing a mistaken idea that is blocking the brain. In other words, mistaken ideas really do block synapses; they do limit the function of the brain. I know you both know this already, but I wanted to tell you that I had a very real experience of what you have written about in your book. The implications of this, to me, are big.

By CW, a physical therapist.

The Amazing Effects of Saying the Inner No

I want to share the most remarkable experience I had when visiting my mother recently. She is in an assisted living facilty now, and she suffers from on-and-off confusion and signs of dementia. From the time my visit began on May 3rd, she was critical and suspicious, and responded to my positive comments by bringing up old hurts and disappointments, in her mind caused by my or my brother's neglect of her. After a particularly trying visit on May 7th, I consulted the I Ching and received hexagram 28. Preponderance of the Great, lines 1 and 4. I learned the whole of me was at the breaking point due to my not saying the inner No to the ego in my mother, which I then did. I also learned that the ego in me wanted to 'win the fight' with her. I said No No No to the ego in me, and asked the Sage in both of us to be present. I deprogrammed mistaken beliefs and then got hexagram 37. The Family and was led to understand more about my family environment. 

The long and short of it is, when I went to vist my mother the next day, she was in the best, clearest state of mind I'd seen her in many months. She was warmer than I remember her ever being. She apologized to me for "being a pest." She hugged me when I left.

It's now two weeks, and she continues to be accessible, and clearer and more accepting of her circumstances. She treats me better, thanks me for helping her, views me as wanting to help her rather than suspiciously and critically. 

I can't say what will be tomorrow, given her condition, but the miracle has taken place. The everyday miracle of Cosmic Harmony.

[Although we have had many amazing experiences by now, it always amazes us anew when we receive an account like the above. There is just one little correction we would like to suggest: The Sage has made us aware that looking at what happened as a 'miracle' puts a spell on the experience. The Sage has taught us that this word belongs in the ego's vocabulary for things it cannot explain with its logic. In reality, the transformations Carol has observed are part of the natural way in which the Cosmos does things.]

From the shortest version of the I Ching to the “big” Oracle of the Cosmic Way

Shortly after your book, “I Ging – Das Kosmische Orakel” (I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way) became available on the German market in 2004, I weighed it in my hands and deemed it too big, and containing too much text for me, being a stressed medical doctor. Instead, I chose the shortest version I could find. From there I gradually moved on to more voluminous interpretations. Finally, I felt the urge to seek more in-depth help and remembered the “big book” with what I had concluded were its “lengthy explanations,” although I had not read it. 
That is how it started. I know now that it was good it went in this way, because now I am able to treasure the “revolutionary” qualities of its text, and of the dialogue method it contains. In the psychotherapeutic part of my practice, I have now started to introduce it into the work with clients. 
My first attempt brought me the following experience: At the end of the session I wanted to demonstrate to my client how to use the book so that she could use it by herself. As I threw the coins I concentrated as usual on the person and her question, but without thinking or wanting anything. Then I read the commentary to her—she was amazed and touched because it was a deepened summary of the content of our session.

By Dr. Peter Reichelt, Berlin, Germany

Seeing Compressed Cosmic Consciousness

You won't believe what happened this afternoon. To make a long story short, my 15 year old son W came here last night for a weekend stay. He was all "a-twitter" because he was supposed to do a science experiment yesterday for a big project he has been working on but could not assemble all the elements in a timely fashion, so he was delayed in performing it. The key ingredient was pharmaceutical grade "ethanol". The pharmacy was not able to get it until today, so W was very worried about turning in his paper "late". We talked about it and decided that if the ethanol came to the pharmacy today, I would go get it and then we would do the experiment after that. 

He found the experiment on the internet by doing a search using the keywords "DNA Extraction". Basically, we put an onion in the blender along with some other stuff and looked at it with a high-powered magnifying glass. I was astounded by what I saw. I pointed out my observations to W, who then wrote this: 


"When I studied the onion DNA it looked like a cloud of little dots on the top layer of liquid. They moved about and about; every ten seconds there would be a swell of energy and little whirlpools would appear. I then took a closer look with a magnifying glass and found the little clouds actually looked like snow-flakes, it was beautiful. They had a life of their own, moving slowly. It seemed like they were millions of fiber optic cables, at the end of each strand was a circle or bead of light either reflecting or omitting light." 

THIS WAS VISIBLE! Now, I have seen compressed cosmic consciousness! I was almost in a state of shock. It fits in so beautifully with what we have been learning in the online course on "Healing Physical Ailments with the Help of the I Ching." Now I have a visual image about all the energy circulating in my body. I wondered how many "researchers" have noticed these phenomena

by C. in Portland Oregon

The Cosmos Does Not Supoort the Ego

The following is an email sent to us by JP from Port Townsend, WA. JP wrote: 

I went to your workshop a few years back in Seattle, and have talked on the phone with you (Carol) a couple times. 
This morning the phrase came to me very simply: "The Cosmos does not support the ego." I thought 'wow, how clear a phrase!' 
I continue to work with the oracle and the new book. [I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way] I have found the concept of the Helpers extremely useful, especially the idea that any sort can be manifested for any situation. I have summoned the helpers of music performance (I'm a musician), mechanical things, traffic control and flow, timing and scheduling (on many occasions!), and a very useful one to me, is to ask for helpers of communication before I'm going to have a difficult conversation with someone. In that case, I'll also ask the other person's helpers to assist. I swear, it really makes a difference. 
It is so important also, as you pointed out, to ask, and then dispel my own angst about things; so the helpers can work. I find that my world view was already changing toward a more intuitive asking for guidance way of life, and you all's teachings have assisted me a huge amount. I still am a little shaky with the rtcm, but I have benefited a LOT from the basic concepts. 
Also very useful to me is the idea of things working on the inner level, often very different to how things appear on the outer. Just recently, I tried to intervene between 2 of my friends that had a blow up of sorts, with one friend basically demanding the other one's energy. I realized how foreign now that seemed to me, and totally crazy. I tried to write a letter to her explaining about trusting the flow of events, asking for help and not being attached to what form it comes in, etc. and I realized how much I now operate by the principles of following guidance, asking the helpers, not pushing people, expecting help to arrive in completely unexpected ways, etc. I realized how much I really live every day this way now, in a practical way, and how much better it works!!!! I haven't decided whether to send the letter, but it was a realization to me to write it. I now think I need to ask for help for her on the inner level first. 
I think that the idea of the helpers and the inner yes and no are some of the most useful spiritual teachings I have ever encountered, and I mean that. I'm starting to tell others about them, and pass yet more copies of 'Love , an inner connection' around. Especially in America now, where the prevailing idea is to force everything, it's wonderful to know that that is Not the way. I'll try to keep in touch, I enjoy reading the archives of people's experiences, and feel free to use any of this if it is appropriate.