The Inner Animal Helpers

Three months ago, I became aware of the link between the fact that we humans have an animal nature and certain dreams and meditations, in which animals have been presenting themselves as Helpers. Investigating into it with the I Ching, Carol and I found that our human animal consciousness is linked to the consciousnesses of all the other animal species through the fact that we have co-evolved with all of them over the millennia. This is why many (but not all) of us possess the ability to communicate with animals. It is also why, as we found from our investigation, that some of us, more than others, have an inability to communicate with these aspects of ourselves. We also found that the reason that some people lack these abilities is that their inner animal consciousnesses have been demonized. We demonize our inner animal consciousnesses, for example, when we place ourselves above the rest of the animal kingdom as special, or when we have accepted that some animals are “bad,” or we have degraded them in some way. 
We then found that after freeing our various animal consciousnesses from the spells and poison arrows we had put on them, they showed themselves as our close friends, and as loving and caring and ready to help us according to their unique abilities. Thereafter, we began to call them our “Inner Animal Helpers.” 
The first Inner Animal Helper that made itself known to me was the Inner Mouse Helper! The Sage made me aware that this wonderful creature knows how to find the seed phrases the ego has stored in the “basement” of my psyche. I additionally found that this inner animal consciousness is a function in the psyche that acts as a mediator between my conscious mind and the other Inner Animal Helpers that are imprisoned by the seed phrases that need to be found. 
I discovered that calling on this Helper by name when I needed to identify a particular seed phrase, made a tremendous difference: the seed phrase immediately was brought to mind. After asking the Helper of Mind Cleansing to empty my mind and make it receptive to the message needed, I simply asked, “Please, Inner Mouse Helper, bring the seed phrase to mind that is causing the problem at hand.” I also experienced that after calling the Inner Mouse Helper by its animal name, I felt this Helper’s joy of being recognized. It also added a lot of joy to my inner work! 
Over the next months many other Inner Animal Helpers showed themselves, increasing the joy in my inner work. Among them were the Inner Horse (Stallion) Helper and the Inner Mare Helper (as the team that forms my will), and the Inner Dolphin Helper (the Helper that connects my thinking with my feelings). 
After sharing these experiences with others in a seminar, Carol and I found that they resonated immediately with some people but not with others. Asking the Sage about those who could not readily relate to them, we were informed that it is correct for these people to continue calling the Helpers by the functions they serve. We were also informed that Inner Animal Helpers can have different helping functions with different people. 
In the meantime, people have sent us articles on actual animals that have inexplicably come to the aid of people. In particular was a cat in a nursing home that would go to the bedside of people who were (unknown to the nurses) about to die. It would stay at their bedside, purring and comforting them until they died. Some people began to see it as the “death cat” as if the cat was “bringing death” to that person, whereas the caretakers in the nursing home could clearly see that the cat was being of help.

By Hanna Moog

My Real Animal Helpers

I'd like to share with you some of what happened during a session I recently had with a client. S and I had just completed a cleansing meditation. During this meditation, S had silently asked for any animal Helpers to help her with the work we were about to do. We were about to begin a meditation to help her close the inner connection with her deceased mother. (It has taken us about six sessions of hexagrams and deprogramming to get to this point and she was feeling her ego's fear at taking the step to close the connection). As we closed our eyes, my little dog came and lay down on top of her feet. A few seconds later, one of my cats (who rarely approaches non-family members) jumped onto the table, walked over to S and started to lick her hand. She then lay down on the table close to and in front of S. As I said, closing this inner connection has been difficult for this client. But today, after our meditation, she was visibly relaxed and relieved. We confirmed with the Sage that my cat was a Helper of Deprogramming, a Feeling Helper (S could physically feel the cat’s desire to help and the licking felt like healing), and a Helper of Inner Connection. We also found that my dog is a Supporting Helper. 

My animals are almost always present for the sessions I have with clients, but I have never felt them so engaged and involved in the process before. The Sage says that the animals know when they are needed +++. It was clear to me today that they are so willing to offer their help if we are open to receiving it. An amazing gift to me and my client!

By KD from Maine

Meditation on the Helper of Sadness

I asked that the Helper of Sadness begin helping me release the unexpressed sadness stored in my body. The Sage guided me to throw a hexagram. I received # 52. Meditating, Lines 2, 3, 4, 5. 

The text and lines guided me to meditate on hidden elements of my sadness. The Sage made it clear that the Helper of Sadness was blocked for me, and that I would be meditating to discover the source of the block. I was guided to hand over worries, anxieties and doubts to the Helper of Transformation, and to ask the Cleansing Healers to assist in removing the obstruction from the psyche. It further indicated that I was to look for the Helper of Sadness in my heart, and that I needed to do a heart examination. 

I began the meditation; after loading my concerns onto the Helper of Transformation’s wagon I looked into my heart. I began by smiling at my heart with love and appreciation. As the heart began to appear I saw cleaners with mops and brooms all over it, inside and out; then I zoomed in on something inside, behind bars in a jail-like cell. It was the Helper of Sadness totally unable to help. I asked what this was about and I began to see that it was caged in by anger. I could hear that I was not to be angry or express my anger. 

I deprogrammed the phrases: YOU MAY NOT BE ANGRY. GIRLS DO NOT GET ANGRY. 

I could see that what is blocking the Helper of Sadness is that I have confused it with the Helper of Anger. I do know that when I’m angry I cry and do not clearly express my anger. Once I saw that there was a shift. I began to see situations in which my mother was angry with me, then my father, then my husband. All of these were lodged in my heart. I had taken in their anger toward me and put it into my heart. I watched these play out on a screen then turn into doves that were released through my heart out into the sky. They were not my anger in the first place, and I had held onto it, unknowingly, not knowing what to do with it. 

I asked the cleansing Helpers to continue to clean these obstructions out of my heart and the Helper of Transformation to remove the obstacles at the level of consciousness. I am to repeat this.

By VB of Black Mountain, NC

A New View of Deprogramming

This is about the resolution of a longstanding issue regarding deprogramming thoughts coming from the ego. I would repeatedly come to a point where I felt a lack of desire to carry on deprogramming and following my inner truth. (This feeling had something to do with the “difficulty of having to do this work without respite.”) This dismayed and scared me, because on the other hand, I also had a very clear feeling of joy in this regard. 
The other day, I was walking by the sea when the Sage showed me the image of Christopher Columbus crossing the Atlantic. I also heard the French word “travail” (“work”) and noticed the similarity to the English word “travel.” I was then shown that traveling on a journey like that of Columbus, though difficulties might be encountered, was not work, but rather a great joy like that of traveling.

By Luca from Brighton, UK

My Audi

The other evening my car refused to start, when I wanted to go home from my violin lesson in town. I have had this car for three years now, and this has happened several times before. Some people have told me, that “Audis can be unpredictable" in this regard. The engine started, but died soon after, every time I tried. I knew it was not the battery, because earlier my mechanic had explained the problem as coming from the signal of the car key. After learning about the Cosmic way, I have noticed that in some way the car sometimes responds to the way the ego in me is acting out. 

I had the rescue company take my car to my mechanic who told me several stories about cars that would act in strange ways. To my surprise he found nothing wrong with my car and when he started it the next morning, it started right away. 

However, I wanted to get to the inner truth of the incident, and consulted the I Ching. Here is an account of my session: 

Help me understand the inner truth of what has been put on my car, in regard to what happened the other night.

I received Hexagram 35, Progressing. Line 6 as changing line. 
First, I was guided to look at paragraph 6 of the main text. The text speaks about the conditioning process people are put through in their early formative years resulting in the loss of their individuality, and adopting the identity of a group-we instead. I assumed that what was said here about people needed to be transferred to cars. 

Questions: Is this about the car? ++ (yes, yes) My Audi?++ Do I need to look for slanders that have been put on it as an Audi?++ 
“You can never trust an Audi.”++ “It is an arrogant car.”+++ “It is the best sports car.”++ 
Do I need to look for more that is being put on Audi as a type of car by previous dealers?+++ “They are always problematical.”++ “A money drainer.”+++ “Too expensive to repair.”++ Something about its personality?++ “Unpredictable.”++ 
Does a car always have an individual Helper?++ Several?+++. Do you want me to identify the names of any of these Helpers?- - Are there also general Helpers for cars?++ 
I was then guided to the last sentence of the main text, which reads: “Remaining sensitive and free of ego prevents the pushing and pressing that prevents progress.” 
Questions: Is this about remaining sensitive and free of ego when owning and driving an Audi?++ Any car?++ Do you want to draw my attention to how to care for your car?++ And free it from influences+++ from the dealer++, previous owners++, others?- - By asking for help+++ from the Cosmos++ and the Helper of your particular car+++ to protect it+++ and heal it++ as to every individual particle++ and every fluid+++ and coordination of all mechanical parts?++ Is there a Helper of Overall Coordinations?+++ Are we to also ask this Helper to help our car?++ 

Line 6. The first paragraph reads: “This line has been taken as a justification for the feudal lord or other authority to punish the people. It reveals the pretense of the collective ego that it has the right to control people through the use of threats and punishments, and to repress the anger in people when they rebel against being treated unjustly.” 
Questions: Is this about the collective ego++ and what it has put on the owners of cars?+++ “When you have your car checked at the annual inspection, make sure it functions.”++ “When all the mechanics work, there is nothing wrong with your car.”++ “You need mechanical skills to make your car function.”++ “The only important+++ problem+++ to be focused on+++ is being a smart driver.”+++ 

Next, I was directed to read paragraph 6: 
“Is it also an important part of healing that the conscious mind treat the injured parts (cells, organs, etc.) as “brothers” and sisters” or as children that are wounded or in shock. It is harmful when the conscious mind looks down on the body and the cells as inferior parts that operate only mechanically, and as subservient to it. In reality, it is the healthy functioning and cooperation of the various consciousnesses that enables the conscious mind to function successfully within the body. (For the different kinds of consciousness see p. 18.)” 
Questions: Is it about the way I look at the car?+++ As having no consciousness?++ Does this also prevent the communication?++ Do I need to send it loving thoughts?++ And ask for healing on its behalf?+++ Is there more you want to show me to understand this incident with my car?- - -.

Apart from deprogramming the projections, spells, and poison arrows mentioned above, I asked for help from the Cosmos, the Helper of my Audi, and the Helper of Overall Coordinations to protect and heal it as to every individual particle and every fluid and the coordination of all mechanical parts. After having had this session I feel even more appreciative of and blessed to have the help of my car and the Helpers to take me where I am going. 

By Susana Nielson

[We wish to thank Susana Nielsen for sharing her questioning process, which is a good example of using the Retrospective-Three-Coin-Method (rtcm) to clarify the messages intended by the oracle. As can be seen, Susana is well experienced in putting forth questions that go to the heart of the issue. The rtcm and the instructions for deprogramming harmful thoughts are explained in our book I Ching. The Oracle of the Cosmic Way. Hanna Moog.]